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As part of our new library building project, we’re getting community input and opinions that will help us apply for grants.

Your survey responses help us by:

  1. Showing grantors and donors what the community needs
  2. Showing grantors and donors what the community wants
  3. Giving a real and authentic voice to our library and our community
  4. Giving us ideas on sections to include
  5. Helping us uncover needs we may not have thought of, but they are unique to you and many others in our community
  6. Helping us shape our building design, layout, and more
  7. Helping us build new or adjust ongoing library programs to better serve you

Here is a link to our survey. Only the first 3 questions are required, and it takes less than a minute to fill those out. The other questions are optional.

Please click here to take the survey now before you forget! :)