
Thank you

We are grateful for your support.

Here’s a non-comprehensive list of donors, in no particular order; however, we would like to publicly express our deepest and most sincere gratitude for each and every donor:

Anonymous Donors – the vast majority of our current funds and in-kind donations have been from people or organizations who wish to remain anonymous.

Fundraisers – A lot of people donate time, support, and money, making our new building fundraisers a success.

Idaho Entrepreneur Center – New building feasibility report.

BYU-Idaho Students & Professors – Several classes have donated time and tackled projects and concepts for us. From grant writing classes to architectural concepts and more.

Terrie Larson – Educational space design, renderings, drafts, and consulting for our new library building.

Harry W. Morrison Foundation – Donated toward our new building project.

Mountain View Hospital – Donated toward our new building project.

Harold K. Ball and Verla Shippen Ball – Several people donated to our new building project in memory of Harold K. Ball and Verla Shippen Ball.

Robert and Colleen Poole – Donated toward our new building project.

Suzy Lloyd – Donated toward our new building project.

AB’s Maybe Lemonade Stand – Donated toward our new building project.

Pain and Spine Institute – Donated toward our new building project.

Linda Calder – Donated toward our new building project.

Forever Idaho Grant – Donated toward our new building project.

Cathy Reno – Donated toward our new building project.

J&S Construction Company (Jerry and Susan Scott) – Donated toward our new building project.